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WOW WOW Websites!

Over the past few years, the internet's popularity has grown and is put to use daily. Many people don't look into great depth when it comes to the internet because they are too busy searching the web to find new shoes, new shows, and new friends. As important as the internet is, the creation of websites come hand in hand when it comes to its significance. Without websites, the internet would not exist; there would be nothing to search. In this blog we will take a deeper look into the creation of websites and the tools used to build them.

Many people may overthink the work of creating a website; they may still think that hours of coding is the only way to make these sites real. That use to be the case but now any average person has the ability to generate their very own website. The article, "How has Web Designing Improved Over the Years?" shows the huge changes in our internet and how uncomplicated it is to be a "web-master". The article makes the reader feel grateful that the internet and websites are faster and more advance. We don't have to struggle with the immense amount of time to load a video or opening multiple tabs just to find one answer. Everything is usually in one place at one time. Another huge change is the use of internet through our phones. "Gone are the days when people used to turn to their desktops to browse the web. Now they can check everything on their mobile devices, and for this purpose it is important for websites to be mobile responsive." In the end, as technology changes, so should you because life will get a lot easier!

As stated from the article above, creating a website does not need coding anymore, instead usually only a creation of an account is mandatory. Many websites actually allow users to sign up and use their website to create their very own. The article "Know The Tools you are Using: Which website builder is best for your needs?" elaborates on the most common website builders used today. To start off, the website I recognized the most in the article was called Wix. Wix allows users to create a basic  website that is easy but looks professional."One notable feature of the Wix website builder is its drag-and-drop functionality, which lets website creators build customized sites without specialized design or coding skills." Another similar but easy website to use it called Weebly. Weebly also offers free tools, like Wix, but also allows the user to buy more advance tools if wanted. The positive thing about Weebly is that it is known to be one of the easiest website builders to use. Since this seems to hold true, many college kids use it on college campuses and I have heard nothing but good opinions. 

The Simple Set-up of Weebly Promote
Since Weebly is so easy to use, the company decided to enhance their settings to allow people to begin their own marketing methods with the use of Weebly Promote. "Weebly expands beyond easy-to-build websites, adds easy-to-build marketing emails" explains this more. "Despite the simple interface, Rusenko insisted that Weebly Promote “compares very well to anything out there,” with features like the ability to import your contacts, create custom segments, use ready-made templates and view instant analytics." Being a marketing major, I find this really helpful and am glad companies like Weebly are willing to help small businesses and beginners out. I defiantly will be using Weebly Promote in the future and can't wait to see where it goes!

In chapter 4 of Untangling the Web, we learn about the importance of social networking tools and how they allow us to talk, text, and interact together. The book gives several examples of different websites an user could use, including, TodaysMeet, Skype in the Classroom, Kidblog, Edmodo, and Twitter. All of these are great social networking tools but I am going to specifically focus on Edmodo. Edmondo is like the Facebook of education. "Teachers can post notes, alerts, assignments, quizzes and polls." All of these post come into the students feed in which they can interact by commenting and clicking the different links posted. These alerts can remind students on upcoming homework assignments, tests, and important news. I used Edmodo throughout high school and it was one of the easiest way I could come in contact with my teacher and be reminded for future assignments. I hope sometime in my college career I use it because it kept me organized and happy!

Finally, I read chapter 10 and 11 of Lol..OMG which both focus on online reputations and digital citizenships. Having appropriate and mature social media accounts can only benefit you. No matter what job you are trying to apply to, the first thing that is usually checked is your social media accounts. If any type of inappropriate or risky post is viewed, most likely the job will not be yours. As scary as this sounds, every post you write can be viewed by the whole world so it is important to think twice before posting. In the end, we are the internets future and control its future potentials. It is important to leave positive and mature post on it that will hopefully impact others for years.

This week we focused on creating our very own websites in class. Like many, I thought this was going to be nearly impossible but quickly noticed I was wrong. I explored both Wix and Weebly and plan on using one of the two for my final project. I can't wait to see what next week holds for us! So start creating!


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